There are a number of different debt solutions available to help people who are finding it difficult to manage their finances. It’s never easy to reach out to ask for support, but speaking about money worries can make the situation easier. Qualified advisers listen to your circumstances, understand how the problem occurred and recommend appropriate solutions to assist you on a path to become debt free again.
Charities provide help and advice throughout the UK and debt solutions will vary depending on where you are based. Most people struggle with their finances for some time and because of this, they feel they can’t reach out for help. Taking the first step and speaking to a free debt advice charity can make all the difference.
StepChange: 0800 138 1111
Debt Advice Foundation: 0800 043 40 50
Citizens Advice Bureau: 0808 223 1133
National Debtline: 0808 808 4000
Expert, Confidential Debt Help
The right solution will depend on your personal and financial situation. In some instances you may be suitable for a number of different options and if this is the case a debt adviser will explain the positives and negatives of each solution.
There is more information on each of the solutions throughout the website. Please click a debt solution for more information to see if it would be suitable to resolve your debt problems.
For further information about financial advice you can visit the Money Advice Service
Some of the debt solutions that could help include: